Just another gaijin that left his heart in Japan…

So much…

Well…  I’m a civilian now.

People wanted me out of the Navy, well… I’m out now.  Sick and tired of that rat race anyhow.  Don’t get me wrong, though.  I loved the experience and if there was any way I could, I’d do it all over again.  Probably better too.

But most of all, I think I will miss the sea.

there is simply nothing else like it, to be out there without another sign of human life as far as the eye can see.  only the rolling wave, the blue sky, the sun and clouds to keep you company.  I could spend hours just listening to the wake tumbling aside from my ship’s prow, watching as it roiled and foamed.

And in the night, you may have the moon to light your way, or the stars to dazzle you, or even the pitch-black of an overcast night to make you feel how small and isolated you really are.  It is peaceful, yet humbling.

No more, though.  At least, not unless I find some ship to call my own so I may go sailing once more.  For now though, there are other matters I must attend to.

My plan now is to establish my residency in Texas so I can take better advantage of my educational benefits.  I intend to use the money from my Montgomery GI Bill to fund my education at the University of Texas at Austin and I plan on going for Aeronautical Engineering and Japanese Studies.  With that I intend to get a job, hopefully doing something like liaising between JAXA and NASA.  I’m not sure yet, but I am certain that with aeronautical engineering and Japanese studies I can snag a job that will let me alternate my time between the US and Japan.

Honestly, the focus of my goal here is to be with the woman I had to leave behind.  She promised me that she would wait until I have good job, and I intend to hold her to it.

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